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From the Very Start

Consider this as a wonderful work of art And know that I have loved you from the very start You knew that I’m a kid with no good intentions But by you, I learned to feel and have emotions You see that I am a girl who loves to disguise You’re there when I needed someone to wipe my eyes I never knew what was waiting for me outside But with you, there is not a place for me to hide You came to rescue when I was to leave the coast With the time just when I have needed you the most But when I started to feel for you something more You showed me the meaning of just what “friends” are for Now, you're leaving and I know I can't make you stay I have no right, I also have to go away I promise, you in my prayers I will always keep For your safety, good health, happiness and nice trips Wherever we go or however far it is Don’t set aside the chance that it’s you that I miss Never forget who I am who’d been part of you Allow me to let this be the last wish I’d do Think of me whenever I am far from your heart And remember I've loved you from the very start


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